Bowie welcomes you, bloggers. In a casual and informal way.
After what was a lengthy delay between posts we are now back in full swing here at Squirrel & Puffin! Over the long weekend we have achieved SO MUCH!! Puffin, with the assistance of Mr Bennett, concreted both the driveway and the area out the back - see?
Since this was done so supremely by the gang, it was time for Squirrel and Badger to step in and do their bit!
But first - new shoes! Girls love new shoes and none more than this girl when they are new work boots as an engagement gift from the Badger! This made the digging soooo much earlier. And they're so comfy. Why aren't girls shoes this comfortable?
After a trip to Bunnings, our other home, we tested out the layout for the sprinklers to cover the front yard area. In the first test, I managed to shoot the sprinkler directly into my face. Bowie laughed from his front row posie in the window.
Then the absolute worst bit. Digging the trenches. So many thoughts at this point, like - 'no wonder so many people died in the war', and 'Pharrell clearly wasn't digging trenches when he wrote "Happy"'. So much sweating. So much wishing for death.
Then we laid three strips of conduit, and one length of poly pipe - this lot covers the sprinklers and the conduit is for electrical cable for the boxes and then lights that will one day go in there.
Luckily for Badger and I, Mumma Bear was on the job for snacks and lunch, providing goodness from the Darley Bakehouse. The remainder of the afternoon was filling the trenches back in and raking out the surface. This was buggering work. There were still a few things for us to complete though - the replacement of one dodgy sprinkler, the removal of the dodgy solenoid and putting a brick box around the valve. Which huzzuh - means we got back to it the next day!!!
Our first mission was replacing the solenoid - but since the tap proved also kinda dodgy, this filled the pit with water. So much water. And threatened to send dirty pit water (not to be confused with #dirtystreetpies) into the house. So the wheel barrow came out, with an ice cream bucket, and this girl had to keep scooping the water out while it continued to fill and badger attempted to re-fit the valve. The pit continued to fill and fill and I started to feel like...
Harry and Dumbledore, when they were in the cave drinking the potion and it never seemed to end. You know how it is. But ultimately it did end, and we moved on. We bricked up this area, and started leveling it out.
On Puffin and Puffins Dads suggestion, we raked one way, and set about mixing in the grass and friends!
Friends of seeds.
Grass seeds are BLUE?! Did you see that coming?
Then we raked back ACROSS the original direction, thus distributing it beautifully, and we set the sprinklers a-going and BOOM!
Your front yard is:
plumbed and
had new grass laid.
There was quite a bit of work done in the concreting realm that Squirrel wasn't around for so one of our upcoming blogs will be written by our guest blogger, PUFFIN!!
It's bad luck to put new shoes on a table. Just sayin'. All this yard stuff seems to be coming together! Soon you will have no more house to renovate. What will you do then?