Monday, 28 July 2014

Shakes All Over Like A Jelly Fish - The Six Month Plan

Updated October 2014
Do you love a to-do list bloggers? We do. How about reading other peoples to-do lists? Not so much? Well tough, we're about to list ours for the next 6 months.

Complete the last semester of the final year of a Health Science - Public Health degree!!  (Done, 28/10/14)
Get through placement (which is taking place in the State government...fancy!)  (Done 8/10/14)
Start applying for full time jobs.
Arrange the possibility of a second Pub Clinic, in Melbourne, to tie in with Movember. (Made the decision to not be involved! Too much others stuff on!)
Try very hard not to cry about how much is going on. I haven't cried in over two months, not even when I wrote my car off!
Remember her all time favorite inspirational quote "It always seems impossible until it's done" from the great man, Nelson Mandela. I don't usually go in for inspirational quotes; often they are by someone who I do not find inspirational (Marilyn Munro anyone?) or anyone who is famous simply for being attractive. I mean how strange is it that as a society we are expected to admire people on their attractiveness alone? Off topic: last week I read both a glossy men and womens magazine, both had lists of inspirational people for the year. The womens magazine listed a bunch of supermodels who were rich. The mens magazine had genuinely interesting people who do things other than being attractive, eg George Clooney. It's sad. Women are encouraged to believe that attractiveness is the be all and end all. I'd much rather be interesting and capable than pretty. But there you go. 

Continue along the path of braces, another tooth removal, and implants. It would be really good if these could be finalised by the end of the year but at the end of the day, what really needs to happen is for things to be done right this time, so we don't have to have any work done again.
Maintain the veggie patches, which are coming along pretty well!

Continue work on the front of the house and associated landscaping, as outlined in this blog post.This weekend just gone in fact, we sourced another quote for the stacked stone, and got a sample to have a look at next to our bricks. 

This will require the assistance of probably Badger and Mitchy, who will help us to bring the facade of our house into the new millennium.
Clean out the garage and hold a garage sale.
Make plans for 2015. We really want to travel back to the UK and Europe, but suspect that we might be heading in 2016. This is rather dependent on Squirrels job situation. 

And that's pretty much it, apart from the odd small project here and there. What's on your lists bloggers? 

1 comment:

  1. Poor Puffin! I sympathise completely with his toothy dilemma. I also had to suffer through braces twice. His teeth will be so pretty at the end of it though! Just like your house will be when it's covered in stacked stone! I also sympathise with any tears that leak out of you. Face can expect to have a soggy shoulder for the next few months. Only 3 months until the thesis is due!
