Check out our new outdoor area! New BBQ! New setting! Enormous thanks to Wayne, Linda, Brooke and Holly for Puffins birthday vouchers which brought this in it's entirety!! Ready to prepare for steak eating and the drinking of ciders. Yay for cider, by the way. And Moscato. There was me thinking I would never enjoy drinking! Now I can enjoy about 3 in a sitting! 3! Can you believe it? Then I will have to sit down for a while. I am a prime example of why if you're drinking anything at all you really shouldn't drive at all. I struggled to get my dinner at a 50th last night because I'd had 3 glasses of wine. I was concentrating very hard on not knocking anything over at the buffet and I think I fooled everyone. Or no-one. Probably no-one.
And now our new tiles! These will be installed on the 17th of November!
And a new chest of drawers with a side each!! Huzzuh! I'm not sure if we're ever taking the plastic off. Kinda makes it unique, ya know?
Squirrel also has a move in date, or a start to move in date, once exams are over - the 13th of November! Exciting times indeed. Especially since the kitchen is almost nearly very close to being done! And tonight we cooked a meal in it! And everyone ate the meal (thankyou Bennet!)!
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