Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Oh, well, then you know all about it and what a terrible country it is. Nothing but desolate wastes and fierce beasts. And the poor little Oompa Loompas were so small and helpless, they would get gobbled up right and left. A Wangdoodle would eat ten of them for breakfast and think nothing of it. And so, I said, "Come and live with me in peace and safety, away from all the Wangdoodles, and Hornswogglers, and Snozzwangers, and rotten, Vermicious Knids."

Aha! Maybe here is an alternative to glass tiles - GORGEOUS porcelain tiles! A few months ago when browsing the Home Decor boards on Pinterest I saw some really lovely geometric tiles. Tonight, when looking at tile splashbacks on Google in despair, I thought I'd look at the tiles I had pinned, sure that, like most things on Pinterest, it would lead to a dead end or an American webpage. Imagine my sheer delight when I saw that it had a working link that took me to a) not only a webpage that was Australian, but b) had a retail store only 45 minutes from our house! I've excitedly emailed them for a quote which I hope to have by the end of the week. And here they are, from Academy Tiles in Richmond. 

These are the Cube tile, and come from Turkey. 

Hexagono Mosaic - these all have a different pattern which is kinda funky. I don't think these would be the go for a splashback, but I'm interested anyway. 

The loft tile. I love these. I love anything geometric at the moment. 

And the Triangle tile. These remind me of the Issy Miyake handbags I love and will never.ever be able to afford. 

I am so excited to get these quotes back, I really think this might be the perfect alternative! This place is so amazing you all need to go and check out the webpage and Facebook page right now!!!

Get on it! 

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