Monday, 16 December 2013

A Festivus for the rest of us!

Well, I hope you've all by now got your Festivus poles up, and have got the draw ready for the feats of strength. I know I have been readying my list of grievances from throughout the year, and have been checking that list twice, my friends!

In this half of the world, we're pulling slowly into Summer and once the festive period is over, my hours at my casual job will pull back and this will free up my time for... projects! Now that the kitchen has been completed and the housewarming has been held, it's time to turn my attention to the smaller jobs around the house, including.

  • Re-painting and adding a seal to the front door. Unforch, due to some misinformation from the girl at Bunnings as to the base of this paint, it hasn't come up very well, and the join in it has cracked open and it just looks shit-house. 

  • Re-upholstering this chair! 

This sweet darling was picked up for $19 on eBay, and has a small amount of damage to the right arm. I'm going to sand back all of the wood and re-stain and coat it, then attempt to reupolster it in this fabric, which I salvaged from my Nan's house when we held a garage/clearing sale - draped below to give you an idea. 

  • Lining my jewelry box. I have an old wooden box that I have previously re-finished but as it used to be a writing box, it still has compartments in it. I'm going to knock these out and line it with felt to hold my jewelry, Speaking of which, how do you, dear blogger, store your long necklaces. This is really troubling me now that I've started to collect a few. 

  • Start on the back garden. At the moment, I'm really keen to clear the backyard (of rubble from ripping up the concrete during the plumbing works) and start on a bit of a garden which is abundant in fruits and veg! After what was, in reality, a semester long guilt trip in the form of a university subject on nutrition, I'm really keen to enjoy more fresh produce and cut down on food miles. That's why I want to get some used apple crates, chuck a false bottom in them, line them and re-stencil them with something funky and 'us' - like these guys - and plant some stuff!! 

Photo from here

  • Start on the front garden. While I am grateful that we haven't had to rip out big thorny rose bushes or prickly pears or something impossible like an aloe vera plant, we do have a heap of ...nothing. And while our blinds are now in, I would love to give us a bit more privacy, and a bit of shelter from the heat at the front. I purchased Photoshop a few years back and never learned how to use it, so below is a picture that I've done using that fabulous program, paint. 

Now, obvs, this photo is pretty f***ing lifelike (they (talent scouts) asked me to study art, and I was like, "look, it wouldn't be fair on the other students, why don't I go do nursing, drop out, work in management for a few years and then try going back to uni to study Public Health instead" and they were like, "cool") but let me walk you through it anyway. The front is wooden posts with that wire through it, you know the wire on the freeways that motorcyclists hate? Yeah, that stuff. Behind that is a low hedge, possibly lilly pilly? Then in front of each window is a large garden bed, and a feature tree in each, I'm thinking Ornamental pear but Puffin wants something that 'goes out' a bit more. This is an older photo and doesn't show the big ass trench we made in the plumbing works, or the new door, glass or blinds, but what I also want to do is paint the green trim a brown colour to blend in with the bricks as well. 

  • Re-paint my parents bedroom. This was supposed to happen in my mid semester break but we got a little snowed under here!

  • Re-paint the mission brown colourbond in the undercover area (to a cream instead!), and replace the scrunched up newspaper that is under the eaves with styrofoam cut to size. 

  • Organise a kick ass garage sale. We haven't got a heap to sell, so we're thinking of inviting friends and family to bring a table and sell their own stuff too, like a mini market! We're also going to throw in a BBQ and soft drinks and pray for good weather! This is more likely to happen around Easter time.

Now, all of this really just is a big to do list, but the reason for blogging was to let you all know that while the big reno's may have finished, there will still be plenty of stuff going on, and I will be posting how these all go, and my fave finds from the internet, in the meantime! I also want to make a big song and dance for the following reasons
  • My wonderful, hilarious and now, well traveled, friend Erin is home! Erin has been living in the UK since last April and while Puffin and I did see her on our trip over there, I have been missing her tonnes and having her back is just delightful.
  • My marks from this semester of uni are kick ass - 3 High Distinctions and 1 Distinction!
So that's all from us for now, we hope you're enjoying the beginnings of the festive season, remember not to drink and drive, and we'd love (Ok, I would love, Puffin doesn't care) suggestions of how to store long necklaces!! I spent hours on the internet researching this for Meercats Christmas present and kept coming up short!! 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

The house is now officially warm! And it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

 Last weekend, fair, sweet bloggers, Squirrel and Puffin held their housewarming! By all accounts this was a success - there was enough food and drink to go around, the weather was unseasonably perfect, and there were no tears or fist fights. 

Squirrel enjoying a honey joy while being handed wine! 

The magnificent desserts, mainly provided by #1 Mumma Bear. 

The rather fabulous flowers from Marsdens in Main Street - the awesome girls there helped me pick out something bright and fun and were great to have a chat to, as always! 

And some of the fabulous gifts - my 'just beat it' tea towel from the Meercat (which came with a matching 'whip it good' tea towel as well!)

The sexy triblade mark II. Given the last one met it's untimely end while making moss to grow on the wall. 

A step ladder from Mumma Bear and the Badger! (You're not my real ladder!)

Aaaaand some gift cards! There were many more delicious gifts from our wonderful friends and family (including the beginnings of a squirrel shaped topiary!) and we are forever thankful! The Bunnings vouchers especially, as this will go towards Operation:New insulation in the roof! 


And now, to shake things up - let's talk about Christmas trees! Given that this is out first year out of home, Squirrel and Puffin, being big fans of the festive season, set out to buy their first Christmas tree. Squirrel wanted something nordic/scandi - a wooden tree, or maybe a white tree? But Puffin wouldn't have a bar of it. So this (with thanks to a voucher from Chris and Ray) is our new tree!! 

It's looking a little sparse as the tinsel on offer in the store was a bit...sad, and I didn't have enough cash on me to grab some lights at the same time, so hopefully in a week or so it will look a little fuller! But for those of you who do get planning approval to do something different, how about these decals from Etsy? 

 From here

From here

From here

So bloggers, have you got an alternative Christmas tree? I've just finished reading the Epbot round up of Christmas trees and am feeling somewhat inadequate. I also keep seeing photos of the suspended bauble tree which I love but given my current work schedule and unwillingness to make more holes in any of the plaster work which will need patching, I'm toe-ing the traditional line for this year! 

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Moth City

We are never alone in the house. Puffin and I are proud to announce that the house of Puffin and Squirrel is now a moth refuge. We have no less than 4 moths every night, and we love how cute they are when they fly around, spazzing out and hitting the ceiling, and then flying against our faces as we try to sleep, because it is just so adorable. I am reliably informed by Puffin that this should be remedied soon, but in the meantime - let's finish this kitchen!!

So as we posted some months ago now, we sourced our tiles from Perini tiles in Richmond. Glass splashbacks, while they were our original option, were far too expensive, so we started looking elsewhere. This here is a sample of the tile sheets, which actually come in a 12 tile sheet.

We then tried to work out how we were going to lay these bad boys. This took upwards of about 7 hours. Or near to, ha.

And then we got into the laying! We started in the corner, with the Badger getting us started, Puffin applying the primer, then the tile adhesive, and Squirrel doing a lot of the laying and spacing.

Squirrel in her trusty Reece shirt. Squirrel works for you. Look at dem calves. Bitches love calves.

After a day of laying, backed up by an afternoon of grouting (after a day working for the council in the shire across from us's Health Dept), a late evening Bunnings run for more grout, Squirrels hands were (and still are) buggered. Dry, cracked and flaky. Feminine it aint. Another manicure, anyone?

Then on Thursday, all final touch ups were completed and you know what that means? All inside works on the house are COMPLETED! Huzzuh! And here's the money shot of the most important room of the house! The tiles are a little reflect-y here as I just took this on my iPhone, but they look incredible! Should take another photo tomorrow!

And the all important before and after! 

(Puffin picked up the replica stools for $35 each at the Reject Shop, if you'd believe it!)

And so folks, for the inside, that's all!


Or so we thought.


Later that same afternoon after completing the inside works, we struck a bit of a problem. Puffin used the toilet and noted that the water wouldn't move. And that the collar seemed to be leeking. And that there seemed to be water escaping outside as well. And then, as Badger arrived, we discovered the issue went halfway around the house - tree roots in terracotta pipes. Cue all hands on deck. Below we have Mr Bennett helping to clear away the soil.

The Badger and Bennett continuing to clear the way for new pipes to be laid.

And while they were at it, they decided to dig up the gal pipe out the front of the house, which is part of our 'rust in the water' issue which has been destroying my stainless steel EVERYTHING and probably our skin and general health. 

As is the norm, Badger saw this as an opportunity for a silly photo. Also gives us good perspective on how long the trench is at the back/side of the house. In appearance order, Badger, Bennett & Puffin. Puffin is glowing mysteriously, almost god-like, which is unusual. Probably from the dodgy water one imagines. 

So after two and a half days, and with enormous thanks to Gary and Lochie, we were able to move back in to the house! The rest of today will be spent lining the trench with crushed rock and I suppose an attempt at filling the trenches back up! We hope you all have a lovely weekend as we deal with this newest and enjoyable diversion!  

Sunday, 27 October 2013

I aint seen nothing like him in any amusement hall

Hello homeboys.

Check out our new outdoor area! New BBQ! New setting! Enormous thanks to Wayne, Linda, Brooke and Holly for Puffins birthday vouchers which brought this in it's entirety!! Ready to prepare for steak eating and the drinking of ciders. Yay for cider, by the way. And Moscato. There was me thinking I would never enjoy drinking! Now I can enjoy about 3 in a sitting! 3! Can you believe it? Then I will have to sit down for a while. I am a prime example of why if you're drinking anything at all you really shouldn't drive at all. I struggled to get my dinner at a 50th last night because I'd had 3 glasses of wine. I was concentrating very hard on not knocking anything over at the buffet and I think I fooled everyone. Or no-one. Probably no-one.

And now our new tiles! These will be installed on the 17th of November!

And a new chest of drawers with a side each!! Huzzuh! I'm not sure if we're ever taking the plastic off. Kinda makes it unique, ya know?

Squirrel also has a move in date, or a start to move in date, once exams are over - the 13th of November! Exciting times indeed. Especially since the kitchen is almost nearly very close to being done! And tonight we cooked a meal in it! And everyone ate the meal (thankyou Bennet!)!

They threw outrageous parties, they paid heavenly bills.

Etsy is one of my favorite places on the interwebz. There is very little that this online marketplace doesn't offer - from vintage dresses to custom made leather wallets, it is heaven for someone who likes to be one of a kind. I've been putting together some of my favorite purchases for a while now, with the help of the beautiful Cat, who can always be counted on for a funny t-shirt, awesome print, and some really, really great geekery. 

Etsy is also the first place I visited when Puffin and I decided to throw... a house party! Unfortunately, it's not one of those, 'hey, let's invite everyone to a house party, but it's actually a surprise engagement!' parties. It's just a straight 'let's eat some meat and enjoy some beverages' kind of party. Drat.

There are many things for us to work out first, like...urgh, the invite list. How do people have parties without pissing people off because they weren't invited? By the same token, you can't invite everyone because, hello, money. 

While we work on a date, and if we're going to have a jumping castle or not (probably), and if we will offer a vegan option (probably not), here are some prospective invites! 

Puffin and I are big steak eaters. You just can't go past a thickly cut eye fillet, cooked medium rare (And boy, do I get it perfect every time. I dazzle myself, trully.) with a red wine jus (moreish with a hint of something sweet) and a creamy potato mash (boiled potato's passed through a ricer, mixed with butter, cream and a tiny bit of salt, oh god YUM). I doubt we'll be able to provide that level of gourmet-ness to everyone at the housewarming, we'll probably be more likely to be performing the 'Bunnings special' - over cooked sausages en masse. Invite from here. I really dig the reverse of these being red and white check, like a picnic, by the way.

Bright, happy, cute. Just like Squirrel and Puffin. Invite from here

Oh, Aztec, you are SO in right now. This is actually a hens party invite (I think) but could easily be re-purposed for a housewarming. Invite from here

This reminds me of the opening cartoon sequence of Grease, with the birds doing her hair. Oddly specific reference provided for free. Invite from here

Minimalist chic - but retaining individualism. Invite from here

You know what's also in? Mason Jars. Everyone loves Mason Jars. Don't ask me what Mason Jars are or where they come from, I have no idea. I just see them on Pinterest. Invite from here

Lots of info with some cute fonts. Invite from here

Oh! Vintage keys! Yes please! We'd have to sub out the 'we have moved' since it's technically the first move, but nonetheless, the invite can be found here.

So bloggers, which one is your favorite? And do you have any tips for inviting people? What is the golden rule? 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Why do I have to keep reading these technical manuals - KITCHEN PART ONE

We've all had enough of some things. I've had enough of unsalted butter. Like, why? I know that there is the odd occasion where unsalted butter is required for cooking, but if you serve me up unsalted butter in a restaurant, I will lose my shit.

The other thing I've had enough of: not waking up and having had a beautiful transformation. You know, girl goes to school one day, ugly ducking but cracking sense of humor, comes back after the weekend and hello! Would you look at that transformation! Think Princess Diaries. Or perhaps akin to when that slightly dorky librarian takes out her bun and shakes out her gorgeous glossy locks and whips the glasses off and again, phwahh!


While I may not ever get this transformation, I'm going to take comfort in the fact that our kitchen has got its transformation. For comparison: the old kitchen! Resplendent in mission brown and apple green glory.

Admire the carpet which leads right up to the kitchen; the freestanding stove which was caked in.... *shudder*... I'm not sure... and the weird sections of chipboard attached under the bench on the left there, like, what?... and the fan hanging at a height that is sure to lead to an accused murder trial. And the off-cream walls. Mmm. 

And the mood tiles! Which were permanently green. Which Google tells me means "Active, not under great stress". Well, the tiles might not have been under great stress, but looking at them sure put me under great stress. 

So, we ripped it out. Without doing any research into kitchens whatsoever. Which was, I repeat, not due to lack of protesting from Squirrel, who is risk averse (read: chronic worrier)

Then we ripped out the flooring, including the tiles, and we took the fan down, removed the flouro lighting (industrial chic though it was) and stared at the empty shell of a room we had made. 

It was only then that we sourced quotes. Finally settling on the local Cabinet maker, we put in our plans (with the help from the beautiful Stac!) and sat back to wait!

Then, on the most magical of Saturdays, we were joined by the talented and handsome Mitch and Mr Bennett (who has no compassion for my poor nerves - for you Pride and Prejudice fans out there. Except that he does because he's kind of awesome). The sun was shining, the BBQ was finally assembled (which will most certainly not be a blog post) and they got stuck into it!

Progress shots!!

Everyone knows renovations are 30% work and 70% standing around looking at the work. 

After lunch, things kicked up a notch.

Happy smiling Mitchy! 

It was at this point that Squirrel solved a problem that had been stumping the boys for a bit just re:some electrical work! I knew making all those maps of electrical work would pay off! 

We were then joined by the conveniently very tall Brendon who helped the boys lift the overheads into place - unfortunately this was the point where we discovered that the walls were not square and this required nearly an hour of staring at the cabinets, suggesting things at random, and finally, the removal of the door frame. 

At this point, Squirrel ducked back to her parents house and made some hamburgers, potato bake, and gathered up some steaks and snags. We dined like kings, Mitch did another hours work and we called it a night. So this is where we are at! 

Fridge will move back into that alcove there. So what's next? Well, this week, we will see that the electrical work is completed, and the dishwasher and sink are hooked up by the plumber. Also throughout the week, Mitchy will be stopping back by to complete the fastening of cupboards and attach the bench. Then we'll need a fair bit of beading ran around the tops and bottoms of cupboards and I will add photos Part two! Squirrel will also have to work out how many tiles to order and hopefully these can be picked up in the following fortnight. Having the dishwasher in will be great, so that the various kitchen stuff purchased over the last 5 years can start to be washed and put away rather than all over our kitchen table and lounge room floor.

This week will be particularly brutal, given that the end of semester for Squirrel fast approaches, bringing with it a tonne of work. Add to that the beginning of a new job which requires 50 hours of training over the following two weeks in conjunction with this uni work load. Plus sorting out the tiling, getting ready to move into the house, etc etc. So Squirrel is feeling fairly anxious at the time of writing this. Bring on the next fortnight! Let's get it over and done with! 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Engine, Engine, Number 9

Bloggettes, bloggers and blog-lads - guess what? Kitchen install date is locked in for THIS SATURDAY! Photos to come on Sunday!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Is this a kissing book?

Fear not, sweet bloggers, about our absence from the airwaves over the past week - there has simply been nothing happening! Nothing of note anyway!

Puffin was away until yesterday and apart from the one of two posts made while he was away, the past few weeks have consisted of work for uni, sorting out Squirrels new casual job and shopping! Purchases included a grill pan, a new doona, a new chest of drawers and a BBQ! The BBQ is Puffins birthday present and he is wrapped to have gotten it a week early.

The kitchen is still not in but we hope to have a date for it soon!

So stay tuned bloggers, because the next few weeks hold magical things.

Lots of love,

Puffin & Squirrel.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Defenses that won't hold up in court: a) she offered b) she was down there anyway.

Bloggers, beautiful bloggers, welcome. Welcome to How I Met Your New Cistern. A much short tale than How I Met Your Mother, I promise.

Let's start at the very beginning (A very good place to start)

Woohoo. Love me some mission brown and mobility aids! And all of that room to hold toilet paper - that thing there would hold what, 17 rolls? 

After a paint job!
Now obviously, the removal of the brown has done a lot here. As has the removal of mottled glass. Much lighter and fresher. But that cistern, yuck. Yellow discolouring, visible pipes. Nope. Not living with that. 

So off Squirrel and Badger went to buy a new cistern! $77 for those playing at home, but this was at trade price, thanks to Badger. 

This girl loves new dresses. But dresses are on hold until this house is done! Toilet purchases are more fun anyway, right girls? Girls? Anyone? Oh god I want to buy dresses.

Here is badger, reading the instructions.

After pulling the old one off, adjusting the height of the tap, and cutting a hole to install new backing for the cistern to attach to. 

Here is squirrel helping in a 'pass me the shifter' capacity. Also playing with the new seal which we got for free when Badger went back to the plumbing shop - the salesman asked if it was for 'that charming daughter of yours' and gave it to him for free. Haha! I'm charming. 

Normal poses are unheard of in our family. Vacuuming after the worst job in the world - plastering. (I say worst job in the world, but I've worked in finance, so after that, nothing is too bad. True story)

And so - the plastering is complete, and squirrel gave it an undercoat and two top coats to get us a blank canvas once more.

 And - it's complete! Hanging the cistern was the easy bit after all of the other stuff! How much better and cleaner does that look?!  Below is a side-by-side for comparison!

And so completes the smallest room of the house! Looks a million times better. We're slowly removing all signs of age from this house. It's incredible to look back on the before pictures to see how far we have come. The inside of the house is now, for all intents and purposes, brand new. And it's all been cosmetic. Amazing. 

The biggest of all thank-you's to the Badger for all of his work here. We heart Badger.

Lastly, here is a little purchase for the back of the toilet door that Squirrel wants. If you're going to have a bit of a session you may as well learn something useful. You never know when you may need to take control of a police car while on a high speed pursuit. OSCAR CHARLIE FOXTROT !!!! From here  $12.07 - Just choose a colour! I'm thinking a bright green!